Intro to OpenStreetMap

The Wikipedia of Google Maps

Presentation by Matthew Cengia

Who am I

What is OpenStreetMap?


What is OpenStreetMap?


What is OpenStreetMap?,


What is OpenStreetMap?


What is OpenStreetMap?

             <way id="22820458" visible="true" version="6"
             changeset="15666374" timestamp="2013-04-09T13:51:05Z"
             user="Canley" uid="57437">
              <nd ref="245537990"/>
              <nd ref="245537990"/>
              <tag k="addr:city" v="Melbourne"/>
              <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="328"/>
              <tag k="addr:postcode" v="3000"/>
              <tag k="addr:street" v="Swanston Street"/>
              <tag k="amenity" v="library"/>
              <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
              <tag k="fax" v="+61 3 96394737"/>
              <tag k="landmark:name" v="No value"/>
              <tag k="name" v="State Library of Victoria"/>
              <tag k="name:fr" v="Bibliothèque d'État du Victoria"/>
              <tag k="name:zh" v="维多利亚州立图书馆"/>
              <tag k="phone" v="+61 3 86647000"/>
              <tag k="website" v=""/>


Yeah... so... What is OpenStreetMap?

  • Wikipedia of Google Maps
  • World-wide map database
  • Completely user-contributed
  • Basically unrestricted use

Cool... So what can I use it for?

Anything you like!

  • Trip routing
  • Offline smart phone access
  • Store maps on your hand-held GPS
  • Custom map tiles
  • Build advanced mapping websites

My local area is poorly mapped!

So fix it!

iD web-based OpenStreetMap editor

iD OSM Editor

Create traces on your hand-held GPS

Garmin GPS
(C) Shernott 2012,

Create traces and update points on your smart phone


Update maps on paper!

Custom Tiles

Arbitrary attributes

           <way id="22820458" visible="true" version="6"
           changeset="15666374" timestamp="2013-04-09T13:51:05Z"
           user="Canley" uid="57437">
            <nd ref="245537990"/>
            <nd ref="245537990"/>
            <tag k="addr:city" v="Melbourne"/>
            <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="328"/>
            <tag k="addr:postcode" v="3000"/>
            <tag k="addr:street" v="Swanston Street"/>
            <tag k="amenity" v="library"/>
            <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
            <tag k="fax" v="+61 3 96394737"/>
            <tag k="landmark:name" v="No value"/>
            <tag k="name" v="State Library of Victoria"/>
            <tag k="name:fr" v="Bibliothèque d'État du Victoria"/>
            <tag k="name:zh" v="维多利亚州立图书馆"/>
            <tag k="phone" v="+61 3 86647000"/>
            <tag k="website" v=""/>


TileMill screenshot


CartoDB screenshot

What about Google Maps?

  • Google tracks you
  • Exporting large map segments is difficult
  • Can't use it offline on your PC or smart phone
  • Can't store it on your GPS
  • No custom tiles
  • Restrictions on usage for websites etc.
  • Difficult to get edits approved

Demos and Questions

Creative Commons License
Intro to OpenStreetMap by Matthew Cengia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

This presentation written in reveal.js
They have an example presentation here